Steve Holden a écrit :
walterbyrd wrote:
[...]>> Fooled by version numbers ?
No, but I am giving django the benefit of the doubt. The django
project told people all along that django was not to be considered
production ready before 1.0. I will accept that some people decided to
wait until 1.0 came out to do any production development. Maybe django
is only lagging because 1.0 just came out?

The Django people said no such thing. They maintained the trunk as
stable - they test so well that many people did indeed rely on the trunk
for production systems.

Indeed - my first Django app has been in production for more than 3 years now.


My actual CTO is a big Ruby/Rails fan, yet he settled on Python/Django
for our current 'big' project. Wonder why ?
Not knowing much about RoR: yes, I wonder why? Is it because python
has a cleaner syntax? Or what?

It's because he decided that Django was the best tool for the particular
job, making him unusually open-minded for a member of the pointy-haired

Being a CTO doesn't necessarily makes you pointy-haired !-) We're a small shop (12 peoples), and the guy is a developper too (and yes, an active one).

Unlike some on this list he doesn't let his prejudices blind
him to reality.

Yes - that was the point.

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