I was messing around in google looking for the available python form validation modules when i found this: http://www.jorendorff.com/articles/python/path/, and i realized that is very similar to my python fileutils module,which encapsulate,path operations,file operations,etc.
And those thoughts comes to mind again, if python is such a great language why does the stdlib is so bloated with duplication,bad bad library design,clumsy to use modules,etc. Why does people have to put wrappers around about half of the standart library modules? i have wrappers for urllib,urllib2,urlparse in urlutils. glob,shutils,os.path,os,filecmp,etc in fileutils. time,datetime.time,date,datetime.datetime,time.date,etc,etc in DateTime. And so the list goes on. I mean is this normal? i dont think so.I havent seen such a messy stdlib in any language.Is it because of legacy code and backwards compatibility or because not too much people in the python-dev cares about library design? i admit the python language design is really really great but the stdlib is totally forgotten. Are those issues being considered right now? i cant find any PEP addressing the issue especifically, at least cooking it for python 3000. specific topics could be: grouping related modules. removing useless legacy modules. refactoring duplicated functionality. removing/redesigning poorly written modules. adding a module versioning system. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list