On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 14:41:17 -0600, Grant Edwards <gra...@visi.com> wrote:
On 2008-12-30, Francesco Bochicchio <bock...@virgilio.it> wrote:

3. AFAIK (sorry, I feel acronym-ly today ;), there is no difference in
select between blocking and non-blocking mode. The difference is in the
recv (again, assuming that you use TCP as protocol, that is AF_INET,
SOCK_STREAM), which in the blocking case would wait to receive all the
bytes that you requested,

No, in blocking mode it will wait to receive _some_ data (1 or
more bytes).  The "requested" amount is strictly an upper
limit: recv won't return more than the requested number of
bytes, but it might return less.

Hi Grant,

I don't think you read Francesco's message carefully enough. :)  He said:

there is no difference in select between blocking and non-blocking mode.

You're describing a difference in recv, not select.

In non-blocking mode, it will always return immediately, either
with some data, no data (other end closed), or an EAGAIN or
EWOULDBLOCK error (I forget which).

[...] I myself tend to avoid using non-blocking sockets, since
blocking sockets are much easier to handle...

That depends on whether you can tolerate blocking or not.  In
an event-loop, blocking is generally not allowed.

If you're careful, it's possible to avoid blocking, even when using a
blocking socket, at least for AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM sockets.  Of course,
it's easier to avoid blocking by using a non-blocking socket.


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