Tim Greer <t...@burlyhost.com> writes:

> Richard Riley wrote:
>> Tim Greer <t...@burlyhost.com> writes:
>>> Giampaolo Rodola' wrote:
>>>> This is not a Ruby group.
>>>> I recommend you to go waste your time there.
>>> That poster has a frequent habit of cross posting to multiple,
>>> irrelevant news groups.  There's no rhyme or reason to it.  It's best
>>> to just filter the guy's posts.
>> No rhyme nor reason? It's quite clear, to me, why.
>> How is a comparison article not relevant when he is trying to
>> stimulate discussion about alternative languages for modern
>> development? Most news readers feature a kill thread command if you
>> are not interested in the content. Certainly less extreme or ignorant
>> than killing all posts from someone who clearly has interesting things
>> to say about development practises and tools.
> Don't get so wound up because people in groups he cross posts this
> junk

Wound up? I am not wound up in any shape or form. I am suggesting the
opposite. It seems you are the one a little wound up. So wound up in
fact you are taking it on yourself to tell people who they should or
should not read.

> to actually don't want to see it.  This poster is hardly interesting or
> offering anything intelligent.  This poster has a history of posting
> things that he is personally interested in arguing about, and posting
> it in groups that are not about the languages he chooses to complain
> about.  There is no rhyme or reason to post in the Perl news group,
> for

You dont seem to think that a comparison article is relevant in the
groups dedicated to the languages he compares too? OK. I do. You are, of
course, welcome to your opinion and I certainly would not tell you who
to read or not read. I would suggest that not everyone woul agree with
you and that telling people who to killfile is not at all constructive.

> example, if you're complaining about Ruby.  This is not even close to
> the first time this has happened, much like his relentless posts about
> Mathematica (again, cross posted to several groups, including Perl). 
> This user has a specific bias and is trolling to get a rise out of
> people by picking random languages and trying to cut them down,
> claiming *his* opinions (based on lack of insights, ironically) are
> superior.  He does this often, and always cross posts to several groups
> that are completely irrelevant to his argument.

You clearly have a personal issue with Xah Lee. Possibly it is better
you killfile him or your spring will over wind :-;



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