Hi All--

Steve Holden wrote:
> > It's odd that deleting the line and reentering it on the Linux box did
> > not correct the problem.  Perhaps vim recognized the format as having
> > cr-lf and inserted it even though I was editing on Linux.
> >
> > Anyhow, it would have been a long time before I got this one.  Thanks.
> >
> A pleasure - just passing on payback for the huge amounts of help I've
> had here myself. See also my post in reply to rbt's latest for remarks
> on other possible fixes using vim.

Vim is pretty smart.  If you edit something in DOS mode, it'll preserve
it.  If you edit it in UNIX mode, it'll preserve that too.  Thus, if you
copy a dos file to a unix and edit with vim on both systems, it'll stay
dos unless you change it; this is a Good Thing(tm).  You run into
problems with mixed line endings, or when it makes a difference to the
program/OS (the shebang trick).

In vim, if you run

:se fileformat?

it'll tell you exactly what file format you're using.  The choices are
(surprise) unix and dos.

To change the file format of a file explicitly, simply issue the command

:set fileformat=dos


:set fileformat=unix

When you write the file, it'll be saved exactly the way you specify.

Note that you get the ^M at the ends of lines when a file you've been
editing in one mode shifts to another and you have to reload the file. 
Reading [open(foofile,"rb")] & re-writing [open(foofile,"wb")] a file
will do this if you are not excruciatingly careful.

If you don't have dos2unix on your win system, but do have cat, you can
use cat -d.

cat -d $1 > snot
mv snot $1

(Prone to error, of course.)

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

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