I've actually been rather frustrated by Python lately. It's great at some things, but rather poor at others. In the latter category is building a neatly packaged executable that can be shipped to users and run reliably on their machine. On the Mac in particular, if you want your app to run on any PowerPC or Intel machine runing 10.4 or later, and you're using anything not in the standard framework (such as MySQLdb), it's a bit of a nightmare.

Compare this to, say, REALbasic, where you just check "Mac OS X Universal" in the Build Settings, click Build, and you're done. (RB has its own issues, of course.)

So I would say that Python as a language is great, and its standard framework is great. But its (many) IDEs are pretty poor, and the process of building a polished, packaged app is abysmal. And there are some things (such as Flash-style web applets) that you still can't do at all in Python, even after all these years.

But of course, the nice thing about an open-source environment is that, with enough motivation, time, and expertise, one can fix the most annoying limitations oneself. And if I stick with Python over the upcoming years, I'll certainly do my part.

- Joe


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