Paul Rubin a écrit :
Bruno Desthuilliers <bruno.42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid> writes:
I haven't anywhere in this thread as far as I know suggested
eliminating dynamism from Python,
Nope, but your suggestion would have the same practical result as far
as I'm concerned.

Sorry, I don't comprehend that.

IIRC, your suggestion was that one should have to explicitely allow "dynamic binding" (ie: outside the initializer) of new attributes, and that the default vould be to disallow them. That's at least what I understood from :

There are cases where this is useful but they're not terribly common.
I think it would be an improvement if creating new object attributes
was by default not allowed outside the __init__ method.  In the cases
where you really do want to create new attributes elsewhere, you'd
have to explicitly enable this at instance creation time, for example
by inheriting from a special superclass:

   class Foo (DynamicAttributes, object): pass


Python already had such a change when it deprecated and later got rid
of string exceptions.

I really don't get how this would be comparable with the above suggestion. I can well understand your concerns wrt/ Python's performances (even if I don't agree on your proposed solutions), but this one "argument" really looks like a straw man.


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