But all of this is not JSON.

Yes it is, you just make it more python dictionary compatible :)

No, what you do is to make it more incompatible with other json-implementations. Which defies the meaning of a standard.

Besides, {foo : "bar"} is *not* python dictionary compatible, at least not unless you defined foo beforehand, and then there is no guarantee that foo is actually as string containing 'foo'.

What is this json person email address so I can ask that he makes a
very small update on his site.

Go try your luck - http://www.json.org/

Besides if you can make lightweight versions of standards

minidom is a lightweight version of the DOM-API. But it reads and writes standard-conform XML documents.

The same applies for element-tree and lxml.

So it does not serve as a counter-example.

You can defenatly add lightweight quotes to json.

If you bring all other implementors of all other languages to simultaneously do so - yes, you can. Again, good luck with that.



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