On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 6:30 PM,  <martijnsteenw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to build my first python extensionon a win32 system. I
> followed the description in 
> http://starship.python.net/crew/mwh/toext/your-first-extension.html,
> but after running
> C:\Python26\python first-setup.py build_ext -i
> nothing seems to happen and no file first.pyd is produced.
> The result from the cmd is the following:
> running build_ext
> building `first` extension
> error: None

It is a bug in distutils - you reminded me that I did not report it :)
. IIRC, it is caused by the lack of a recognized installation VS 2008.
You should either install VS 2008 (the express vesion is free) or make
sure your VS 2008 is correctly installed.

Building python 2.6 extensions with mingw is possible as well, but I
think you need to build your own mingw (because python 2.6 requires
msvcr90.dll) - maybe recent mingw have msvcrt90.dll included.



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