On 13 feb, 10:53, David Cournapeau <courn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 6:30 PM,  <martijnsteenw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm trying to build my first python extensionon a win32 system. I
> > followed the description 
> > inhttp://starship.python.net/crew/mwh/toext/your-first-extension.html,
> > but after running
> > C:\Python26\python first-setup.py build_ext -i
> > nothing seems to happen and no file first.pyd is produced.
> > The result from the cmd is the following:
> > running build_ext
> > building `first` extension
> > error: None
> It is a bug in distutils - you reminded me that I did not report it :)
> . IIRC, it is caused by the lack of a recognized installation VS 2008.
> You should either install VS 2008 (the express vesion is free) or make
> sure your VS 2008 is correctly installed.
> Building python 2.6 extensions with mingw is possible as well, but I
> think you need to build your own mingw (because python 2.6 requires
> msvcr90.dll) - maybe recent mingw have msvcrt90.dll included.
> cheers,
> David

Thanks a lot for your reply. I downloaded & installed Visual C# 2008
express, but unfortunately this doesn't change anything in running the
setup file. Unfortunately, still no pyd file is produced...

Did I something wrong?

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