On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Sam Clark <s...@2000soft.com> wrote:

>  Any suggestions for a beginer on what to use for version control?   It's
> just me, the lone person programming.  I've already nailed one "version" of
> my code accidentaly.  MS VSS is too expensive for the stuff I'm doing, plus
> I really don't like MS much...  Any free open source stuff out there?

There's actually a lot of them. These are just the ones I can think of off
the top of my head.
-CVS (One of the first RCS, I think most projects are moving away from this
- Subversion-(pretty popular right now, but it is a client/server model.)
-Git (originally created for Linux and now used by several very large
-Mercurial (this is a big up and coming RCS)
-Bazaar (written in Python. Also pretty new. I don't know about Windows

I have some experience with both Subversion and Mercurial and like them
both. Since you're working alone, you'll probably want a distributed rcs,
such as Mercurial, Git, and Bazaar, which allow you to do more stuff locally
rather than on a central server. Like Chris, I'd suggest Mercurial
especially if you're using Windows.

Thank you,
> Sam Clark
> s...@2000soft.com
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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