Funny how everybody is speaking about the ease of merging. It is the
very least feature I have ever needed from source code control. Most
version control system are really brilliant in creating a version mess
of intertwined branches, but off course I use version control to
*PREVENT* such a mess. So I really would like better linking
possibilities to other projects or standard libraries. That said:

- MS-Source-Safe did a great job here. But I stopped using it after
version 6.0. The linking feature of VSS was great, but the stability of
VSS was awful.

- CVS is a hell. Only administrators seem to be able to create a link.

- Linking is subversion is not exactly user-friendly, but it "kinda"
works. See
for how I managed to do so with PHP. I don't have a real Python library
yet, but I would use it the same way. Also, the latest subversion should
support relative links.

- I have no experience with mercurial.

- I searched through the documentation of git and bzr, and could not
find much.

If anyone has more info on linking with Mercurial, bzr or git, please
share it!

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