bvdp wrote:

So, we think something is working and send of a bug fix to our client :)

I'm not sure I understand this at all and wonder if there is bug?

 >>> a="c:\\Program\x20Files\\test"
 >>> a
'c:\\Program Files\\test'

so far, so good.

 >>> a.decode("string-escape")
'c:\\Program Files\test'

Umm, not so good? The \\ before the P is okay, but the \\t is change to \t

Decoding changes "\\x20" to "\x20", which is the same as " ", a space.

Decoding changes "\\t" to "\t", which is a tab.

Decoding _doesn't_ change "\\P" to "\P" because that's not a valid
escape sequence.


 >>> print a.decode("string-escape")
c:\Program Files        est

Now, decode() converted the \\t to a \t and print expanded the \t to a tab.

\t is already a tab.

I would have thought that the \\t would have the same result as the \\P ???

Obviously my brain is missing something (hopefully obvious).

Before storing the string (writing it to the file), encode it and then
replace " " with "\\x20":

    C:\Program Files\test


    C:\Program Files\test

and then:


After fetching the string (reading it from the file), decode it:



    C:\Program Files\test


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