On 4/13/05, James Carroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've had fantastic results with SimpleTAL
>     http://www.owlfish.com/software/simpleTAL/
> It uses the Zope Page Templates style markups (which are wysiwyg in
> dreamweaver) and then pulls contents from python functions and
> 'contexts' very nicely.  Your example would look something like:
> <ul>
> <span tal:repeat="record records()">
>    <li><A href="www.yahoo.com" tal:attribute="href
> string:http://imdb.com?search=${record/title}";
> tal:content=record/title>record title goes here</A>
> </span>

ZPT looks nice, but it can't produce non-markup text, right? 
Besides that, I find it hard to read... it is kind of extra mental
step to translate "repeat="record records" into "for record in
records" :) But it is matter of taste of course.


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