I want to create zip file equivalent to java jar file,I created a zip
file of my sources and added some __main__.py
some how I am getting an error saying __main.py does not exist in the
zip file

  Copyproject(main folder)
      |          |
      |          |__Nertworkpackage
      |           |            |
      |           |            |__Storepackage
      |           |                               |
      |           |__FtpPackage         |__module1.py
      |                                           |__module2.py
      |____ tests                          |__ module3.py

Copyproject(main folder) | |_____src(folder) | | | |__Nertworkpackage
| | | | | |__Storepackage | | | | |__FtpPackage |__module1.py | |
__module2.py |____ tests |__ module3.py

Module1 takes some commandline parameters that will do some operation
Like If I say
" module1.py --uploadFile <file name> " A file should get uploaded
(this works)
Now I want to do
Copyproject.zip --uploadFile <filename> to upload the file

How should I do this, I tried to put __main__ parallel to src folder
it says __Main__.py not found in Copyproject.zip..?


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