> On Mar 1, 1:32 am, "Gabriel Genellina" <> wrote:
>> En Sat, 28 Feb 2009 16:51:04 -0200, <> escribió:
>>> On Feb 28, 11:33 pm, Lie Ryan <> wrote:
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Feb 28, 11:15 pm, "Gabriel Genellina" <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> En Sat, 28 Feb 2009 14:34:15 -0200, <>
>>>> escribió:
>>>>>>> I want to create zip file equivalent to java jar file,I created a
>>>> zip
>>>>>>> file of my sources and added some
>>>>>>> it says not found in
>>>>>> must exist in the root directory.
>>>>> What do you mean by root directory..?What is this directory in
>>>>> Windows..?You mean the top level folder of the project?in my case
>>>>> copyproject folder..?
>>>> root directory is the topmost directory (imagine a tree, the root is
>>>> where all the branches branched from), in this case the root directory
>>>> is your copyproject main folder.
>>> I wonder, I do have the  in the root directory,but still
>>> getting
>>> python.exe cannot find in
>> The top of the tree inside the zip file. Depth zero. Not inside any
>> directory. Above anything else. Just a bare name.
>> Open your zip using the zipfile module:
>> import zipfile
>> z = zipfile.ZipFile("")
>> z.printdir()
>> You should see a line starting with *without* any / in it.
>>> I used the following command
>>> python -m --uploadFile and also tried with
>>> python --uploadFile
>> Use the second one.
>>> both give me the same error , I can see the sys.path contains the
>>> project folder.
>> --
>> Gabriel Genellina
>> Uh? Which project folder? Isn't it in the .zip?
>  Yeah I meant zip file.
> I can get to work but is it is not able to locate the packages,says
> import error cant find the package and module
> here is my code
> import sys
> import os.path as op
> sys.path.insert(0, op.join(op.dirname(op.abspath(__file__)),
> ""))
> import zipfile
> z = zipfile.ZipFile("")
> z.printdir()
> import some.storagepackage.somemodule
> print "upload"
> print "syspath",sys.path
> #do something
> should it not find the modules when the zip files is in sys.path..?

For this to work not only should your zipfile contain

some/storagepackage/, but some and some/storagepackage must
both contain files to be recognized as packages.

Have you tried getting your imports working from the file store and then
 zipping up what works afterwards?

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC    


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