On Mar 1, 7:53 pm, zaheer.ag...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Mar 1, 7:40 pm, zaheer.ag...@gmail.com wrote:
> > On Mar 1, 6:53 pm, "Gabriel Genellina" <gagsl-...@yahoo.com.ar> wrote:
> > > En Sun, 01 Mar 2009 03:16:53 -0200, <zaheer.ag...@gmail.com> escribió:
> > > >> >> >>> I want to create zip file equivalent to java jar file,I created 
> > > >> >> >>> a
> > > >> >> zip
> > > >> >> >>> file of my sources and added some __main__.py
> > > >> >> >>> it says __Main__.py not found in Copyproject.zip..?
> > > > I can get to work but is it is not able to locate the packages,says
> > > > import error cant find the package and module
> > > Make it work *before* you attempt to zip the files. A complete session:
> > > C:\TEMP>tree /a /f test_main_in_zip
> > > Listado de rutas de carpetas para el volumen Cucho
> > > El número de serie del volumen es 007A005F F4EC:16A9
> > > |   __main__.py
> > > |
> > > \---pkgA
> > >          foo.py
> > >          __init__.py
> > > C:\TEMP>cd test_main_in_zip
> > > C:\TEMP\test_main_in_zip>type __main__.py
> > > #!/bin/env python
> > > """This script is the entry point
> > > to the application"""
> > > import sys
> > > import pkgA.foo
> > > def main():
> > >    print "I'm main():"
> > >    print "__name__", __name__
> > >    print "__file__", __file__
> > >    print "sys.path", sys.path[:3], "..."
> > >    print
> > >    pkgA.foo.bar()
> > > main()
> > > C:\TEMP\test_main_in_zip>type pkgA\__init__.py
> > > print "I'm __init__.py"
> > > print "__name__",__name__
> > > print "__file__",__file__
> > > print
> > > C:\TEMP\test_main_in_zip>type pkgA\foo.py
> > > def bar():
> > >    print "I'm bar() inside foo.py:"
> > >    print "__name__",__name__
> > >    print "__file__",__file__
> > >    print
> > > C:\TEMP\test_main_in_zip>python __main__.py
> > > I'm __init__.py
> > > __name__ pkgA
> > > __file__ C:\TEMP\test_main_in_zip\pkgA\__init__.py
> > > I'm main():
> > > __name__ __main__
> > > __file__ __main__.py
> > > sys.path ['C:\\TEMP\\test_main_in_zip',
> > > 'c:\\apps\\python26\\python26.zip', 'c:\
> > > \apps\\python26\\DLLs'] ...
> > > I'm bar() inside foo.py:
> > > __name__ pkgA.foo
> > > __file__ C:\TEMP\test_main_in_zip\pkgA\foo.py
> > > C:\TEMP\test_main_in_zip>zip anyname.zip __main__.py pkgA\*
> > >    adding: __main__.py (196 bytes security) (deflated 40%)
> > >    adding: pkgA/foo.py (196 bytes security) (deflated 40%)
> > >    adding: pkgA/foo.pyc (196 bytes security) (deflated 41%)
> > >    adding: pkgA/__init__.py (196 bytes security) (deflated 38%)
> > >    adding: pkgA/__init__.pyc (196 bytes security) (deflated 29%)
> > > C:\TEMP\test_main_in_zip>python anyname.zip
> > > I'm __init__.py
> > > __name__ pkgA
> > > __file__ anyname.zip\pkgA\__init__.pyc
> > > I'm main():
> > > __name__ __main__
> > > __file__ None
> > > sys.path ['anyname.zip', 'c:\\apps\\python26\\python26.zip',
> > > 'c:\\apps\\python26
> > > \\DLLs'] ...
> > > I'm bar() inside foo.py:
> > > __name__ pkgA.foo
> > > __file__ anyname.zip\pkgA\foo.pyc
> > > --
> > > Gabriel Genellin
> > > Make it work *before* you attempt to zip the files.
> >   Thanks a lot Gabriel, yes this works fine when I am running it
> > outside of zip.
> > when I say  python __main__.py --uploadfile  it works fine
> > I dont know what happens when I zip it.
> > And Steve: all of the packages have __init__.py inside them, I have
> > posted the tree structure of application if it helps.
> > \TestApplication
> > ├───src
> > │   ├───network
> > │   │   ├───.svn
> > │   │   │   └───text-base
> > │   │   └───storage
> > │   │       └───.svn
> > │   │           └───text-base
> > │   ├───uc
> > │   │   └───some
> > │   │       └───extra
> > │   │           └───package
> > │   └───webdav
> > │       └───acp
> > └───test
> >     └───.svn
> >         └───text-base
> and also what it gives me when I Do, > python BRU.zip
> some list of files
> :
> :
> BRU/__init__.py                                2009-02-28
> 17:08:10          1
> BRU/__main__.py                                2009-03-01
> 18:17:20          8
> BRU/                                           2009-03-01 14:52:58
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Python26\lib\runpy.py", line 121, in _run_module_as_main
>     "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name)
>   File "C:\Python26\lib\runpy.py", line 34, in _run_code
>     exec code in run_globals
>   File "BRU.zip\__main__.py", line 18, in <module>
> ImportError: No module named network.storage
> I think I should I also mention I create this application using
> ecliplse plugin
> I appreciate your help Gabriella thanks  a lot,

Thanks a lot folks it is solved now,the problem  was I had to create a
zip file from the location where actual package declarations are there
and not from the top level directory  whatever I had.
I created zip file from the src directory of the my tree which had all
the packages as its next level contents and imports were resolved.

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