On Mar 3, 6:48 pm, "Gabriel Genellina" <gagsl-...@yahoo.com.ar> wrote:
> En Tue, 03 Mar 2009 16:39:43 -0200, Fab86 <fabien.h...@gmail.com> escribió:
> > I am having a bit on an issue getting my program to work. The online
> > database which I am trying to contact keep timing out meaning I can
> > not carry out my 200 searches without being interupted.
> > I believe that the solution would be to include an exception handler
> > with a timer delay if this error occurs so wait a bit then carry on
> > however having spent hours looking at this I can not get my head
> > around how to do such a thing.
> Exactly. How to handle exceptions:http://docs.python.org/tutorial/errors.html
> Use time.sleep() to wait for some 
> time:http://docs.python.org/library/time.html#time.sleep
> --
> Gabriel Genellina

Thanks for that I will give it a read.

Do I need to know what error I am getting?

IDLE is giving me this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Downloads\MoS\yws-2.12\Python\pYsearch-3.1\test6.py", line
13, in <module>
    res = srch.parse_results()
  File "C:\Downloads\MoS\yws-2.12\Python\pYsearch-3.1\yahoo\search
\__init__.py", line 765, in parse_results
    xml = self.get_results()
  File "C:\Downloads\MoS\yws-2.12\Python\pYsearch-3.1\yahoo\search
\__init__.py", line 738, in get_results
    stream = self.open()
  File "C:\Downloads\MoS\yws-2.12\Python\pYsearch-3.1\yahoo\search
\__init__.py", line 723, in open
    raise SearchError(err)
SearchError: service temporarily unavailable [C:28]

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