On Mar 12, 5:03 am, SamuelXiao <foolsmart2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I want to input data by using pickle
> First of all, I have a database.txt
> The content is like:
> AAA,aaalink
> BBB,bbblink
> CCC,ccclink
> ...,...
> AAA,BBB,CCC is Language name, and aaalink,bbblink,ccclink is their
> respective link.
> I want to store data by using pickle.  Meanwhile , I got a problem.
> #I have created a class:
> class Lang:
>         def __init__(self,lname="",tlink="",alink=""):
>                 self.lname = lname #lname is the Language
>                 self.tlink = tlink #tlink is the tutorial link
>                 self.alink = alink #alink is the a link to school Library 
> finding
> the first returned Language book
>         def alibrary_link(self,alink):
>                 self.alink = alink
>         def tutorial_link(self,tlink):
>                 self.tlink = tlink
>         def lang_name(self,lname):
>                 self.lname = lname
>         def _display(self):
>                 string = "+++++++++++++++"  + \
>                                 "+" + lname \
>                                 "+" + tlink \
>                                 "+" + alink \
>                                 "+++++++++++++++++"
>         def Print(self):
>                 print self._display()
> def originData():
>         fo = ("/database.txt","r+")
>         lines = fo.readlines()
>         for line in lines:
>                 pair = line.split(",")
>                 temp = Lang();
>                 temp.lname = pair[0]
>                 temp.tlink = pair[1]
>                 temp.alink = findbook(temp.lname)
>         #stopping here, because I don't know how to do here...
>        #I want to use object array here...
>        #Then using pickle to dump the object...
>        # Is this work?  Or there is another better method to do so?
> I hope to create an object array to store all the language and its
> information from database.txt.
> How can I do that?  I am a beginner to Python.  Any help would be
> appreciated.

check out the csv module for the parsing of the file

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