On Mar 12, 9:02 am, SamuelXiao <foolsmart2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mar 12, 11:17 pm, Piet van Oostrum <p...@cs.uu.nl> wrote:
> > >>>>> SamuelXiao <foolsmart2...@gmail.com> (S) wrote:
> > >S> I want to input data by using pickle
> > >S> First of all, I have a database.txt
> > >S> The content is like:
> > >S> AAA,aaalink
> > >S> BBB,bbblink
> > >S> CCC,ccclink
> > >S> ...,...
> > >S> AAA,BBB,CCC is Language name, and aaalink,bbblink,ccclink is their
> > >S> respective link.
> > >S> I want to store data by using pickle.  Meanwhile , I got a problem.
> > >S> #I have created a class:
> > >S> class Lang:
> > >S>       def __init__(self,lname="",tlink="",alink=""):
> > >S>               self.lname = lname #lname is the Language
> > >S>               self.tlink = tlink #tlink is the tutorial link
> > >S>               self.alink = alink #alink is the a link to school Library 
> > >finding
> > >S> the first returned Language book
> > >S>       def alibrary_link(self,alink):
> > >S>               self.alink = alink
> > >S>       def tutorial_link(self,tlink):
> > >S>               self.tlink = tlink
> > >S>       def lang_name(self,lname):
> > >S>               self.lname = lname
> > >S>       def _display(self):
> > >S>               string = "+++++++++++++++"  + \
> > >S>                               "+" + lname \
> > >S>                               "+" + tlink \
> > >S>                               "+" + alink \
> > >S>                               "+++++++++++++++++"
> > This will not do very much. The string is calculated and then thrown
> > away. You will need also a "return string" to make it useful.
> > >S>       def Print(self):
> > >S>               print self._display()
> > >S> def originData():
> > >S>       fo = ("/database.txt","r+")
> > >S>       lines = fo.readlines()
> > >S>       for line in lines:
> > >S>               pair = line.split(",")
> > >S>               temp = Lang();
> > >S>               temp.lname = pair[0]
> > >S>               temp.tlink = pair[1]
> > >S>               temp.alink = findbook(temp.lname)
> > Why do you set these attributes directly while you also have methods for
> > this (like lang_name, tutorial_link)? Or better use
> >                 temp = Lang(pair[0], pair[1], findbook(temp.lname))
> > >S>       #stopping here, because I don't know how to do here...
> > >S>        #I want to use object array here...
> > >S>        #Then using pickle to dump the object...
> > >S>        # Is this work?  Or there is another better method to do so?
> > >S> I hope to create an object array to store all the language and its
> > >S> information from database.txt.
> > I guess you want to put them in a list. Then use
> >                 objList.append(temp)
> > here and
> > objList = [] before the loop.
> > >S> How can I do that?  I am a beginner to Python.  Any help would be
> > >S> appreciated.
> >     You can use pickle to store the list is a file after reading.
> >     Something like (untested):
> > import pickle # or use the faster cPickle module.
> > output = open('somefile', 'wb')
> > # Pickle object list
> > pickle.dump(objList, output)
> > output.close()
> > But as this is only textual data (I think) there is not much profit in
> > using pickle. Unless you have other things added in your class. You
> > could also write these things to a simple text file, for example with
> > the csv module.
> > --
> > Piet van Oostrum <p...@cs.uu.nl>
> > URL:http://pietvanoostrum.com[PGP8DAE142BE17999C4]
> > Private email: p...@vanoostrum.org
> Hi, odeits, Piet van Oostrum, thanks for your reply.  But I found that
> my school's server have problem with reading csv file.  So, I think I
> have to do it another way.  By the way, is there any better way to
> store data?  Actually, what I want to do is like:
> 1. Given a post or an essay, I want to find any language names in the
> post or essay matching with data in my database.txt
> 2. Then insert <a href="tutoriallink" title="school library book
> title"></a> about the matched word.
> My original version is super slow because each time go to and back
> from the library website wastes a lot of times.  I hope to use class
> to store the data in database.txt first, then store the book
> information from library.  Then visited matched word no need to go to
> search again.  Just simply insert <a...></a> about it.  But my problem
> is how to store object array and call it out?  Thanks for any help.

datafile = open('datafile.txt','rb')
pairs = [line.strip().split(',',1) for line in datafile]
textfile = open('essay.txt','rb')
text = textfile.read()
for word,link in pairs:
   text = text.replace(word, link) # change this to decorate the link
with the <a href stuff and what not
textfile = open('essay.txt', 'wb')

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