En Wed, 18 Mar 2009 15:13:32 -0300, Mike Driscoll <kyoso...@gmail.com> escribió:
On Mar 18, 1:09 am, "Gabriel Genellina" <gagsl-...@yahoo.com.ar>
En Tue, 17 Mar 2009 00:16:53 -0200, MRAB <goo...@mrabarnett.plus.com>  
> Ian Mallett wrote:

>>  I'd like to make a program that automatically runs on startup (right  
>> after login).  How should I do that?

> Put it in the folder:

> C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Please don't do that, if you care about your users at all, and any of them   might use a non-English version of Windows. Programs that put anything in   the above location (or install themselves into C:\Program Files, or things  
like that) are really annoying, and the author is plain stupid.

How is putting your program in "C:\Program Files" stupid? Almost every
program I've ever installed on Windows defaults to that location.

In my PC, almost every program I've ever installed on Windows defaults to "C:\Archivos de Programa" instead -- see the difference?

Writing an installer (*and* uninstaller!) that does the right thing isn't trivial. Application developers usually can't master all the details involved - a "quick and dirty" installer just doesn't work well except in the developer's own environment (many things may change: OS version, system language, locale, user customization, user permissions, network environment...) I let the experts do the hard work for me - I use InnoSetup (there are many other alternatives)

Gabriel Genellina


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