On Mar 19, 10:26 am, Marco Mariani <ma...@sferacarta.com> wrote:
> someone wrote:
> >> Also, for SQL, (A) why are you using nested joins?, and
> > inner select produce smaller set which is then joined with other
> > table, kind a optimization
> Did you time it?
> I've done some "kind of a optimization" that slowed queries by tenfold,
> because postgres didn't need my advice, and knew better. RDBMS

Query itself is fast. I'll try to time it and will report my results
here :)

> performance is non-intuitive, really. If you're using mysql, YMMV,
> because its optimizer is not as good.

That's true, I don't trust optimizer

> > Yes, my original question was about formatting. It's not original
> > query (only a part).
> Try this:
> http://www.dpriver.com/pp/sqlformat.htm
> My 2c: I use textwrap.dedent to strip leading spaces from every line.

textwrap.dedent? What's that? I'm new in python. Will google it.
How do your query formatting looks like then?

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