On Mar 19, 8:42 pm, Paul McGuire <pt...@austin.rr.com> wrote:
> On Mar 19, 4:39 am, Kottiyath <n.kottiy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I understand that my question was foolish, even for a newbie.
> > I will not ask any more such questions in the future.
> Gaaah! Your question was just fine, a good question on coding style.
> I wish more people would ask such questions so that bad habits could
> be avoided.
> The newbie posts that are annoying are the ones that:
> - are answered on page 1 of any tutorial ("how do I get the second
> character of a string?")
> - are obvious homework assignments with no actual effort on the
> poster's part ("how do I write a Python program to find the first 10
> prime numbers?")
> - pontificate on what is wrong with Python, based on 2 hours'
> experience with the language (often titled "What's wrong with Python",
> with content like "Python sucks because it doesn't have a switch
> statement/has significant whitespace/doesn't check types of arguments/
> isn't totally object-oriented like Java/doesn't have interfaces/...")
> - are so vague as to be just Usenet noise (titled "Help me", with no
> content, or "i need to write a program and don't know where to start
> can someone write it for me?")
> I think Daniel's joke was on the rest of us, who each had to chime in
> with our favorite dict processing algorithm.
> It *would* be good for you as a newbie to get an appreciation of the
> topics that were covered in these responses, though, especially the
> distinction between updating the dict in-place vs. creating a new
> dict.
> -- Paul

Daniel, Sorry for misunderstanding your post. I hope I was not being
passive-aggresive - (also because I found that the second mechanism I
provided was quite horrible :-), so I was indeed being foolish
there. )

Paul/Aahz, I did understand 2 things
(1) When using map always consider that the function will be called
everytime, so the hit on the performance is more.
(2) The second mechanism and the first mechanism provides different
solutions (new dict/same dict)
both of which I did not think about at all.

Also, thank you everyone for all the help. I have been following this
thread for the last 4 months (when I started with python) and I have
learned a lot. The amount of help provided here is amazing.

p.s. -> English is indeed not my first language :-)

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