On Mar 19, 9:33 pm, Kottiyath <n.kottiy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mar 19, 8:42 pm, Paul McGuire <pt...@austin.rr.com> wrote:
> > On Mar 19, 4:39 am, Kottiyath <n.kottiy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I understand that my question was foolish, even for a newbie.
> > > I will not ask any more such questions in the future.
> > Gaaah! Your question was just fine, a good question on coding style.
> > I wish more people would ask such questions so that bad habits could
> > be avoided.
> > The newbie posts that are annoying are the ones that:
> > - are answered on page 1 of any tutorial ("how do I get the second
> > character of a string?")
> > - are obvious homework assignments with no actual effort on the
> > poster's part ("how do I write a Python program to find the first 10
> > prime numbers?")
> > - pontificate on what is wrong with Python, based on 2 hours'
> > experience with the language (often titled "What's wrong with Python",
> > with content like "Python sucks because it doesn't have a switch
> > statement/has significant whitespace/doesn't check types of arguments/
> > isn't totally object-oriented like Java/doesn't have interfaces/...")
> > - are so vague as to be just Usenet noise (titled "Help me", with no
> > content, or "i need to write a program and don't know where to start
> > can someone write it for me?")
> > I think Daniel's joke was on the rest of us, who each had to chime in
> > with our favorite dict processing algorithm.
> > It *would* be good for you as a newbie to get an appreciation of the
> > topics that were covered in these responses, though, especially the
> > distinction between updating the dict in-place vs. creating a new
> > dict.
> > -- Paul
> Daniel, Sorry for misunderstanding your post. I hope I was not being
> passive-aggresive - (also because I found that the second mechanism I
> provided was quite horrible :-), so I was indeed being foolish
> there. )
> Paul/Aahz, I did understand 2 things
> (1) When using map always consider that the function will be called
> everytime, so the hit on the performance is more.
> (2) The second mechanism and the first mechanism provides different
> solutions (new dict/same dict)
> both of which I did not think about at all.
> Also, thank you everyone for all the help. I have been following this
> thread for the last 4 months (when I started with python) and I have
> learned a lot. The amount of help provided here is amazing.
> p.s. -> English is indeed not my first language :-)

Oops, Forgot to mention the biggest learning.

Readability is better than brevity -
Thanks to Rhodri.

This was a question which was bugging me all the time. When I look at
code, I am always envious when I see the same code written in much
smaller number of lines. Now, I will force myself to ask the questions
Rhodri proposed (esp: does it look uglier part) before deciding
whether or not to go ahead with brevity.

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