The first one was a typo in the name of a variable ($actegories instead of $categories). Instead of raising an exception, this b**d "programming language" (err...) just created a new variable with a NULL value. Doh :-(

Set error reporting to all.
Marvel at how it reports this simple typo in a clear and easy to understand way.
Then notice it also gives you a million warnings for a lot of valid stuff in your code.

The second one was about array concatenation/union. I had used the "+" operator instead of the array_merge() function.

My favourite is array_key_exists(). Without looking at the docs, can you tell me the order of the parameters ?

Read the PHP doc about the "+" operators for arrays and the array_merge() function (don't forget that PHP uses the same construct for arrays and mappings - doh). Then imagine yourself programming PHP, and ask yourself if you'll really develop faster with such a braindead quick&dirty hack for language.



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