Klaus Alexander Seistrup wrote:
Some months ago i did a port of the Python2.3.2 interpreter to

Wow, this is just what I've been waiting for. Meanwhile I've tried to make do with Rexx for PalmOS, hehehe...

I've been making do (rather successfully so far) with Plua 2 (basically Lua 5.0), which I think feels a little closer to Python than does Rexx (but which doesn't come, out of the box, with quite as much power).

The main benefit is that it *does* support the Palm
OS stuff, mainly making a UI form, an event loop,
and interfacing with databases.

It would be wonderful if Python was equally well
supported (yes, I know, somebody has to do the work)
but I also suspect there's no hope of it running on
my old 2MB Palm V the way Plua currently does! :-)
Well, it would finally be a reason to upgrade though...


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