On Thu, 2009-04-16 at 21:44 -0700, Adam Olsen wrote:
> The Wayback Machine has 150 billion pages, so 2**37.  Google's index
> is a bit larger at over a trillion pages, so 2**40.  A little closer
> than I'd like, but that's still 562949950000000 to 1 odds of having
> *any* collisions between *any* of the files.  Step up to SHA-256 and
> it becomes 191561940000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to
> 1.  Sadly, I can't even give you the odds for SHA-512, Qalculate
> considers that too close to infinite to display. :)

That might be true as long as your data is completely uniformly
distributed. For the example you give there's:

a) a high chance that there's "<html>" near the top

b) a non-uniform distribution of individual words within the text.

c) a non-unifom distribution of all n-grams within the text (as there is
in natural language)

So it's very far from uniformly distributed. Just about the only
situation where I could imagine that holding would be where you are
hashing uniformly random data for the sake of testing the hash.

I believe the point being made is that comparing hash values is a
probabilistic algorithm anyway, which is fine if you're ok with that,
but for mission critical software it's crazy.

Tim Wintle


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