On Apr 17, 9:59 am, norseman <norse...@hughes.net> wrote:
> The more complicated the math the harder it is to keep a higher form of
> math from checking (or improperly displacing) a lower one.  Which, of
> course, breaks the rules.  Commonly called improper thinking. A number
> of math teasers make use of that.

Of course, designing a hash is hard.  That's why the *recommended*
ones get so many years of peer review and attempted attacks first.

I'd love of Nigel provided evidence that MD5 was broken, I really
would.  It'd be quite interesting to investigate, assuming malicious
content can be ruled out.  Of course even he doesn't think that.  He
claims that his 42 trillion trillion to 1 odds happened not just once,
but multiple times.

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