baykus <> writes:

> Hi
> I am looking for one of those experimental languages that might be
> combination of python+basic. Now thta sounds weird and awkward I know.
> The reason I am asking is that I always liked how I could reference-
> call certain line number back in the days. It would be interesting to
> get similar functionality in Python.

I am currently working on such a "Python-Basic" programming language.
Here is the current implementation:

-------------- ----------------
class GotoLine(Exception): pass

def goto(newlno): raise GotoLine(newlno)

def run(program):
    lno = 0
    env = { 'goto': goto }
        while lno <= max(program):
                if lno in program:
                    exec program[lno] in env
                lno += 1
            except GotoLine, g:
                lno, = g.args
    except Exception:
        print "? Syntax error in line", lno
        print "OK."

Example of use

marigold:junk arno$ python -i
>>> program = {
...     5: "# REM Python-Basic example program",
...     6: "# REM ----------------------------",
...     10: "i = 0",
...     20: "print 'Hello, world', i",
...     30: "i = i + 1",
...     40: "if i < 10: goto(20)",
...     50: "name = raw_input('What is your name? ')",
...     60: "print 'Welcome,', name",
...     70: "gosub(80)"
...     } 
>>> run(program)
Hello, world 0
Hello, world 1
Hello, world 2
Hello, world 3
Hello, world 4
Hello, world 5
Hello, world 6
Hello, world 7
Hello, world 8
Hello, world 9
What is your name? Arnaud
Welcome, Arnaud
? Syntax error in line 70

As you can see, I haven't implemented gosub() yet.


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