There are sure thousand ways
of doing it "with windoze".
Here one of them (NOT tested) in form
of code snippets you can rearrange
for your purpose:

import win32com.client
axFSO = win32com.client.Dispatch("Scripting.FileSystemObject") # SCRRUN.DLL
axLstDrives = axFSO.Drives

dctAXaxFSO_NumCodeAsKeyVsTypeDescrText = {
    0 : "unknown type of drive"
  , 1 : "drive with removable medium (e.g. Floppy)"
  , 2 : "fixed drive (e.g. harddisk)"
  , 3 : "remote (i.e. network) drive"
  , 4 : "CD-ROM drive"
  , 5 : "RAM-Disk drive"

lstdriveLetterOFonSYSTstorageDevice = []
lstdriveTypeOFonSYSTstorageDevice = []

for axDrive in axLstDrives:
  if(axDrive.IsReady): # checks if a CD is inserted
    # axDrive.SerialNumber
    # axDrive.VolumeName.encode()
    # for more of this kind just check out e.g. in the by Microsoft
    # free available JScript tutorial the chapter
    # "FileSystemObject Sample Code"

Hope this helps.


"Heiko Selber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> I am trying to find out (using Python under windows) the name of a CD that
> is currently in the drive specified by a path name.
> And while I am at it, I'd also like to know whether the specified drive
> contains a CD at all, and whether the drive is actually a CD drive.
> AFAIK, Python doesn't provide a way to do it, and a search in the web
> yielded only soutions for Linux.
> Can anyone show me a solution that works with windoze?
> TIA,
> Heiko


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