I was fishing for a response, by posting multiple replies
Inadvertantly, I have offended one of the Python rabbis
For this misdemeanor I am most contrite
But I still got a fish to bite.

"Peter Pearson" <ppear...@nowhere.invalid> wrote in message 
> On Fri, 1 May 2009 07:53:35 +1000, Paul Hemans <dar...@nowhere.com> wrote:
> [snip]
>> them as they have been recorded in the anals of the web, however I
> .........................................^^^^^
> That's the second time in this thread.  The first might have been
> deliberate gross wordplay, but now it's time for somebody to point
> out that maybe this word doesn't mean what you think it means.
> -- 
> To email me, substitute nowhere->spamcop, invalid->net. 


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