Matthias Gallé wrote:

My problem is to replace all occurrences of a sublist with a new element.

Given ['a','c','a','c','c','g','a','c'] I want to replace all occurrences of ['a','c'] by 6 (result [6,6,'c','g',6]).

If I do this with string ('acaccgac') I have the advantage of all the 'find' functions, but perfomance is bad and some extra care must be taken if one element consist of more then one character (case of 11 for example)

So I really would like to work with lists straightforward, but I could not found anything to search a sublist inside a list.
Any propositions for a simple solution?

For a mutable homogenous array, consider the array module.
Any algorithm that applies to a sequence of chars can be adjusted to other sequences. For the above case, remember than you can easily filter None out of a sequence. IE, replace 'a','c' with 6, None and then filter when done.


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