Mensanator wrote:
On May 6, 12:54 pm, Tim Chase <> wrote:
for windows this works:
(can't cut and paste from a dos box!###%*&!!!)
Depending on how it was spawned, you can either right-click in
the window and choose Mark/Paste (when marking, use <enter> to
terminate the selection; and selections are blockwise rectangular
rather than linewise or characterwise). Alternatively, if you
click on the system menu (the icon in the title-bar with
resize/minimize/maximize/close/help), there should be an Edit
submenu with the same options within.
A pain, but at least feasible.
Less painful is to set the properties of the dos box:
Edit Options:
[x] Quick Edit mode
And when prompted, do "(.) modify shortcut that started this window"
After which, you can dispense with the menus (except when pasting),
just select the text and hit <enter>.
Makes a world of difference.
On a straight box - that doesn't work either.
The select all does, but paste yanked something from hours ago.
Yes - set as stated, closed and used icon to open box.
MicroSoft still need to soften its hard head and join the 21st century.
I love the ease of Linux.
One thing we do get from using both OS's - our first release code is
much more solid as a result.