Dave Angel wrote:
Tim Chase wrote:
<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">> for windows this works:
(can't cut and paste from a dos box!###%*&!!!)

Depending on how it was spawned, you can either right-click in the window and choose Mark/Paste (when marking, use <enter> to terminate the selection; and selections are blockwise rectangular rather than linewise or characterwise). Alternatively, if you click on the system menu (the icon in the title-bar with resize/minimize/maximize/close/help), there should be an Edit submenu with the same options within.

A pain, but at least feasible.



Note that if you like copy/paste, you can turn on "Quick Edit" mode in your cmd.exe windows. From that same System menu on your DOS box, choose "Defaults". From the first tab that box, enable "Quick Edit" checkbox. This will change the default for subsequent DOS boxes. You can change it just for the current one by using Properties in the same system menu.



HuMMMMMM - Dave's use of cmd.exe as different from Dos Box points out a miss name on my part. I should have said cmd.exe originally.

Yes - I use dosemu on Linux Slackware 10.2 with enlightenment 16.2 and swipe/paste works as it should. (Of course gpm is loaded. That's a must. :)

I have been cutting back. Used to have 6 keyboards going at once. (well in packet passing mode shall we say? When computers were slower. :) Down to two close by and two across the way. One Solaris, two Linux, one Win XP. Gotta keep the Win machine nearby. It needs its daily crash. I have learned to stick to 'stock' setups or pay a heavy price at "show time".

I tried the settings again just now.
I did both Properties and Default and made sure they were set the same.
I did the --- for icon --- and killed the open box and clicked the icon and swiped and pasted to wordpad. IT FINALLY WORKED!!!

Hadn't intended to start such a rash of dialog, but I benefited too!

Thanks guys!!!


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