Dotan Cohen wrote:
As you might have mentioned I'm just working on a txt to html converter
called "thc". This project is intended for me to learn Python and now pyQT4
to which I changed a few days ago (started with Tkinter).

I have implemented the following features so far:

- Giving a title for the html
- Choose whether it's Transitional or Strict Doctype

Don't give this choice. What benefit does this give the user?

- Select a background color
- Show the converted file with the standard browser

That should probably be valid [X]HTML and be done with it.

- Working on a font size slider

This should be a browser feature, not a page feature. Use the default
sizes of the HTML elements, and let the UA override those defaults as
the user sees fit ot configure it.

If you think that there should be a font size slider, then file a
feature request at the bug tracker of your favourite browser.

I don't really know if this is of any use for anybody but it's just a fun
project by a beginner :-)

Now I'd like to know what kind of features you'd like to see in version 0.3
of thc!?

You should probably convert the text to UTF-8 and make sure to declare
that with a meta tag.

You might want to look at markdown for a nice way to have hyperlink support.

Lists conversion, like these:
* item one
* item two
* item three

1. item one
2. item two
3. item three

Actually I would like to see a good HTML to txt or odt converter. Perhaps someone you know has the time and inclination to make one. In Unix, grep is a fantastic search tool. Since HTML's today seem to be one page one file, trying to search a "help collection" for a phrase is useless in the practical sense.

I mean no offense to your effort. There are many who wish a good version of such a converter. It's just that I personally wish HTMLs used for Help and Documentation were banned from the universe. To me, a well written, easily understood, no frills, fully grep'able text file that covers the subject well is a truly fantastic thing to be well cherished.


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