On 10 Mai, 07:36, k...@fiber-space.de wrote:
> On 8 Mai, 17:48, Andreas Rumpf <rump...@web.de> wrote:
> > Dear Python-users,
> > I invented a new programming language called "Nimrod" that combines 
> > Python's readability with C's performance. Please check it 
> > out:http://force7.de/nimrod/
> > Any feedback is appreciated.
> > Regards,
> > Andreas Rumpf
> > ______________________________________________________
> > GRATIS für alle WEB.DE-Nutzer: Die maxdome Movie-FLAT!
> > Jetzt freischalten unterhttp://movieflat.web.de
> On a first impression it looks quite pleasant to me, your new
> language! Two obvious questions on a Python list.
> 1) How to interface with Nimrod from Python?
> 2) Lack of typed hash-tables. Is this one of those particular features
> that are planned to be implemented in version 0.80 and summarized
> under "generic containers"?

1) Via a wrapper that is in the works. It will work like embedding
Python into a C application.
2) Yes. Some syntactic sugar will probably be provided, e.g. a
constructor {} like Python. However, I have not made my mind
completely: Maybe they should be built-in? This would allow more

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