Sergei Organov wrote:
Maxim Kasimov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

1. comment for debug

   It can be used in the same way, as the comments for debugging are
   used, but it will be easier than to use """ or ''', or using
   features of text-editors, when it is necessary to comment piece of
   code which already contains ''' or/and """ strings already, or
   there is another #-comments. Using goto, you do not need to edit a
   code, which is unfamiliar to you.

.... and then you end up with situation when another goto jumps directly
into the body of the code you've just "commented" with your goto. Happy

BTW, don't you want "comefrom" statement to be added to the language
to make debugging even more fun?

if you can't control what you do - it is you private problem, not mine. Is't it?

Best regards,
Maxim Kasimov

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