On 2005-04-21, Sergei Organov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, I'm writing for embedded realtime systems in C/C++ and
> have never encountered a single need to use goto.

I have encountered situations in C programs where the best
thing to use was a goto.  Those situations have always been
handled beutifully by a "raise" in Python.

> Comparing interrupts to goto doesn't make any sense for me
> either. For example, most architectures have 'branch'
> *hardware* instructions that are much more close equivalents
> to goto than interrupts are, but that doesn't justify use of
> goto in high-level languages in any way.

I agree.  The "jump" or "branch" instruction corresponds
exactly to a goto.  An interrupt is more like a "signal" and a
"signal handler" in C.  Sort of like an asynchronous function
call or thread context switch.

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