Christian Heimes wrote:
Simon schrieb:
Christian Heimes wrote:
Simon wrote:
I installed Python-2.4.4.tar.bz2 from, using gcc-4.3 (within
openSUSE 11.1 x86_64) via 'make altinstall'.

First, I tried to configure with the following flags:
--prefix=/opt/python-24 --enable-framework --with-pydebug
This provoked an error during compilation via make (sorry, the list was
so long, but I will post it, if it helps).
--enable-framework is for Mac OS X only.

Second, configured again without any flags. The installation by 'make
altinstall' to /usr/local was a success. Python2.6 seams unaffected,
too. So, I got my parallel installation.
You have chosen the correct and canonical way to install a parallel
installation of Python.

However, I cannot import modules like Tkinter or readline within
You must install the development library of tk, readline, zlib and
libbz2 prior to configure && make.

Try this on your box:

zypper install gcc make autoconf automake libtool zlib-devel
readline-devel tk-devel tcl-devel sqlite2-devel libbz2-devel

Unfortunately, I got the following errors, while compiling via make.
Please, see attached text file for details about everything I did from
installing the missing packages via zypper until make.

zypper should have installed all necessary dependencies, including a
whole bunch of X11 headers. Something seems to be wrong on your system
or SuSE's package dependencies.
I know why I dislike SuSE. :) Although I started my Linux career 12
years ago with SuSE I prefer Debian based systems since Woody came out
in 2002. :)

X11 says:
Program 'X11' is present in package 'xorg-x11', which is installed on
your system.

zypper search X11 | grep devel
zypper install xorg-x11-devel

That should (hopefully) do the trick. On a Debian based systems it's
much easier to install all Python dependencies with "apt-get build-dep

To quote SuSE: "Have a lot of fun ..."

Und viel Glück!


Danke :)

On Monday, I will be able to tell if it worked out, or if I have to try a new strategy, e.g. to convince the admin about (K)ubuntu.

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