On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 10:39 PM, Terry Reedy<tjre...@udel.edu> wrote:
> sato.ph...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As you can imagine, I am new, both to this group and to Python.  I
>> have read various posts on the best book to buy or online tutorial to
>> read and have started to go through them.  I was wondering, as someone
>> with virtually no programming experience (I am a photographer by
>> trade), is Python the right language for me to try and learn?
>> I do vaguely remember learning what I think was BASIC on some old
>> Apple's back in elementary school (circa 1992).  Would something like
>> that (the name at least makes it SOUND easier) be more feasible?
> I consider Python the Basic of the 21st century.

I don't know whether that's an insult or a compliment... :P


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