Chris Rebert wrote:
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 10:39 PM, Terry Reedy<> wrote: wrote:

As you can imagine, I am new, both to this group and to Python.  I
have read various posts on the best book to buy or online tutorial to
read and have started to go through them.  I was wondering, as someone
with virtually no programming experience (I am a photographer by
trade), is Python the right language for me to try and learn?

I do vaguely remember learning what I think was BASIC on some old
Apple's back in elementary school (circa 1992).  Would something like
that (the name at least makes it SOUND easier) be more feasible?
I consider Python the Basic of the 21st century.

I don't know whether that's an insult or a compliment... :P

At one time, Basic was the language that everyone learned, at least amateurs and beginners of the time. It was an important part of the microcomputer revolution. It made beginning programming available to anyone, in spite of its faults.


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