On Sun, 28 Jun 2009 15:09:21 +0100, Eric S. Johansson <e...@harvee.org> wrote:

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
Brendan Miller a écrit :
PEP 8 doesn't mention anything about using all caps to indicate a

Is all caps meaning "don't reassign this var" a strong enough
convention to not be considered violating good python style? I see a
lot of people using it, but I also see a lot of people writing
non-pythonic code... so I thought I'd see what the consensus is.

Most - if not all - of the python code I've seen so far used this
convention, and I always used (and respected) it myself.

I reject this convention because any form of caps significantly increases vocal load for disabled programmers using speech recognition through extra utterances,
and degraded recognition.

Reject away, but I'm afraid you've still got some work to do to
convince me that PEP 8 is more work for an SR system than any other
convention.  If, on the other hand you're trying to convince me that
*no* convention is preferable, I'm going to laugh hollowly.

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses

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