Reject away, but I'm afraid you've still got some work to do to
convince me that PEP 8 is more work for an SR system than any other

Name  <cap>name
        higher than normal recognition error rate. can require multiple tries 
or hand

MultiWordName  <cap>mulit<no-space><cap>word<nospace<cap>name
        very high error rate.  many retries or hand hurting typing.

multi_word_name multi<underscore>word<underscore>name
        normal error rate (low), can need multiple tries or hand correction

It sounds like the issue should be one of making your screen-reader smarter, not dumbing down Python conventions. I don't know what SR you're using (Jaws? Window Eyes? yasr? screeder? speakup? VoiceOver?) but it sounds like at least for the above cases, along with the PEP-8 MULTI_WORD_NAME constant convention, a simple regexp+transformation should be able to reprocess the input into something easier to handle/hear/understand. I'm not sure any/all of the previously-listed screen-readers give such regexp transformation control, but I would expect that at least the OSS ones (yasr, screeder, & speakup) it would be possible to add the feature if it doesn't already exist. For these three, you might ping the blinux mailing list to see if anybody there knows how to implement such transforms.

StdlYCps  <cap>sierra tango delta lima <cap>yankee <cap>charley papa sierra

        *** very high error rate *** search and replace for all instances with 
a x_y_z
form name is recommended

As for StuDlyCaps, it's hard on the seeing too, so I advocate a firm smack on the back of the head for those that prefer this abomination. :-)



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