On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 21:56, schickb<schi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have fairly often found the need to split a sequence into two groups
> based on a function result. Much like the existing filter function,
> but returning a tuple of true, false sequences. In Python, something
> like:
> def split(seq, func=None):
>    if func is None:
>        func = bool
>    t, f = [], []
>    for item in seq:
>        if func(item):
>            t.append(item)
>        else:
>            f.append(item)
>    return (t, f)
> The discussion linked to below has various approaches for doing this
> now, but most traverse the sequence twice and many don't apply a
> function to spit the sequence.
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/949098/python-split-a-list-based-on-a-condition
> Is there any interest in a C implementation of this? Seems too trivial
> to write a PEP, so I'm just trying to measure interest before diving
> in. This wouldn't really belong in intertool. Would it be best
> implemented as a top level built-in?
> -Brad
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

This sounds like it belongs to the python-ideas list.  I suggest
posting there for better feedback, since the core developers check
that list more often than this one.

Pablo Torres N.

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