On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 23:34, Brad<schi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jul 2, 9:08 pm, Paul Rubin <http://phr...@nospam.invalid> wrote:
>> Brad <schi...@gmail.com> writes:
>> > On Jul 2, 8:14 pm, Paul Rubin <http://phr...@nospam.invalid> wrote:
>> > > schickb <schi...@gmail.com> writes:
>> > > > def split(seq, func=None):
>> > > >     if func is None:
>> > > >         func = bool
>> > > >     t, f = [], []
>> > > >     for item in seq:
>> > > >         if func(item):
>> > > >             t.append(item)
>> > > >         else:
>> > > >             f.append(item)
>> > > >     return (t, f)
>> > > untested:
>> > >    def split(seq, func=bool):
>> > >       xs = zip(seq, itertools.imap(func, seq))
>> > >       t = list(x for (x,y) in xs if y)
>> > >       f = list(x for (x,y) in xs if not y)
>> > >       return (t, f)
>> > In my testing that is 3.5x slower than the original solution (and less
>> > clear imo). I fixed my version to take a bool default. Either way, I'm
>> > not really looking for additional ways to do this in Python unless
>> > I've totally missed something. What I am considering is writing it in
>> > C, much like filter.
>> I'm a little skeptical that the C version will help much, if it's
>> evaluating a python function at every list element.
> Perhaps true, but it would be a nice convenience (for me) as a built-
> in written in either Python or C. Although the default case of a bool
> function would surely be faster.
>> Here's a variant of your version:
>>  def split(seq, func=bool):
>>      t, f = [], []
>>      ta, fa = t.append, f.append
>>      for item in seq:
>>          (ta if func(item) else fa)(item)
>>      return (t, f)
>> This avoids some dict lookups and copying.  I wonder if that helps
>> significantly.
> Faster, but in tests of a few short sequences only 1% so.
> -Brad
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

If it is speed that we are after, it's my understanding that map and
filter are faster than iterating with the for statement (and also
faster than list comprehensions).  So here is a rewrite:

def split(seq, func=bool):
        t = filter(func, seq)
        f = filter(lambda x: not func(x), seq)
        return list(t), list(f)

The lambda thing is kinda ugly, but I can't think of anything else.
Also, is it ok to return lists?  Py3k saw a lot of APIs changed to
return iterables instead of lists, so maybe my function should have
'return t, f' as it's last statement.

Pablo Torres N.

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