On Jul 2, 9:08 pm, Paul Rubin <http://phr...@nospam.invalid> wrote:
> Brad <schi...@gmail.com> writes:
> > On Jul 2, 8:14 pm, Paul Rubin <http://phr...@nospam.invalid> wrote:
> > > schickb <schi...@gmail.com> writes:
> > > > def split(seq, func=None):
> > > >     if func is None:
> > > >         func = bool
> > > >     t, f = [], []
> > > >     for item in seq:
> > > >         if func(item):
> > > >             t.append(item)
> > > >         else:
> > > >             f.append(item)
> > > >     return (t, f)
> > > untested:
> > >    def split(seq, func=bool):
> > >       xs = zip(seq, itertools.imap(func, seq))
> > >       t = list(x for (x,y) in xs if y)
> > >       f = list(x for (x,y) in xs if not y)
> > >       return (t, f)
> > In my testing that is 3.5x slower than the original solution (and less
> > clear imo). I fixed my version to take a bool default. Either way, I'm
> > not really looking for additional ways to do this in Python unless
> > I've totally missed something. What I am considering is writing it in
> > C, much like filter.
> I'm a little skeptical that the C version will help much, if it's
> evaluating a python function at every list element.  

Perhaps true, but it would be a nice convenience (for me) as a built-
in written in either Python or C. Although the default case of a bool
function would surely be faster.

> Here's a variant of your version:
>  def split(seq, func=bool):
>      t, f = [], []
>      ta, fa = t.append, f.append
>      for item in seq:
>          (ta if func(item) else fa)(item)
>      return (t, f)
> This avoids some dict lookups and copying.  I wonder if that helps
> significantly.

Faster, but in tests of a few short sequences only 1% so.


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