"Dr. Phillip M. Feldman" <pfeld...@verizon.net> wrote in message news:mailman.3644.1248417347.8015.python-l...@python.org...

Some aspects of the Python design are remarkably clever, while others leave me perplexed. Here's an example of the latter: Why does len() give an error
when applied to an int or float? len() should always return something; in
particular, when applied to a scalar, it should return a value of 1.

So you want len() to treat 123 as though it could potentially be a list containing a single element?

In that case there could be an ambiguity here:

print len([10,20,30])

Should it print 3 (the elements in [10,20,30]), or 1 (treating [10,20,30] as a potential list containing the single element [10,20,30])?


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