On 2009-08-04, Fred Atkinson <fatkin...@mishmash.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 3 Aug 2009 20:00:08 -0700 (PDT), Carl Banks
><pavlovevide...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>If you don't "get" why this is a MySQL question and not a Python
>>question, then you need to learn more about what you are doing.
>       I wouldn't agree.  
>       I tried using the same command I used when I did this in PHP.
> That command was: mt_srand(date("w"))
>       It was a PHP command that seeds the MySQL random function,
> according to the folks on the PHP newsgroup.  

It seems that they lied to you. Did you actually try that ?

>       I'm trying to figure out what the Python equivalent of that
> is.  

Python equivalent of that is random.seed(x), if PHP docs are to be believed.

>       Now do you see?  

What you acutally want is "select *,rand(3) as rand from table
order by rand" or something like that. That 3 is the seed in there.

Jarkko Torppa

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