durumdara schrieb:

I found an interesting thing in Python.
Today one of my "def"s got wrong result.

When I checked the code I saw that I miss a "," from the list.

l = ['ó' 'Ó']

Interesting, that Python handle them as one string.

print ['ó' 'Ó']

I wanna ask that is a bug or is it a feature?

In other languages, like Delphi (Pascal), Javascript, SQL, etc., I
must concatenate the strings with some sign, like "+" or "||".

This technic is avoid the mistyping, like today. But in python I can
miss the concat sign, and I got wrong result...

It's a feature. It is sometimes used in cases where you want to split a longer text into several lines, but without introducing newlines.

like this (the parentheses are there for the parser not to puke):

foo = ("foobarbaz"

It has the potential to produce errors as you have seen them, though.


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