09-08-2009 r <rt8...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Aug 8, 12:43 pm, "Jan Kaliszewski" <z...@chopin.edu.pl> wrote:
08-08-2009 Steven D'Aprano <st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au> wrote:
I use it very often, e.g.:

         afunction('quite long string %s quite long string '
                   'quite long string quite long string %s '
                   'quite %s long string quite long string'
                   % (variable1, variable2, variable3))

It seems nicer to me than:

         afunction(('quite long string %s quite long string '
                    + 'quite long string quite long string %s '
                    + 'quite %s long string quite long string')
                   % (variable1, variable2, variable3))

(Note that multiline-'''-strings are usless in such cases).

uhh? A much better way to handle such a problem is like this...

prompt1 = '''
Some people like to use %s
ways of doing things just
so they can support their %s
way of coding

Sorry, you are wrong, '''-way would be usefull only if:

    * you want to have '\n' in each place where you wrap the
      literal in your code,


    * you use '''-literal at a module (non-indented) level

      or you need not only '\n'-s but also indentations
         (dependent on indentation of your code),

      or such ugly indentation is ok for you:

          some indentated code...
          prompt = '''quite long string %s quite long string
''' quite long string quite long string %s
''' quite %s long string quite long string
          some indentated code...

That's why I wrote it's "useless in such cases."


Jan Kaliszewski (zuo) <z...@chopin.edu.pl>

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